Do I have to take a breathalyzer test when I am pulled over? Does an officer need a reason to search my car? What is a bench trial? Whether you have been charged with a crime or not, these FAQs will give you the information you need to protect your rights in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
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Possession of a Gun for Unlawful Purpose and New Jersey
What does possession of gun for unlawful purpose in New Jersey really mean?

When does a traffic stop violate the Pennsylvania Constitution?
How far can police take questioning after a car stop?
What are the most common questions about guns in New Jersey?
Learn the answers to the most common questions about guns and firearms in New Jersey.

What makes a DUI checkpoint legal in Pennsylvania?
Learn what police need to do before they set up a DUI checkpoint in PA

Is Jersey DWI really that different from Pennsylvania DUI?
What you need to know about first time DWI in New Jersey

In or out at your criminal trial?
Learn why it’s about relevancy and not necessarily fairness

They aren’t stopping with Marijuana
Find out how Philadelphia is trying reduce the number of criminal offenses in the city

DUI Field Sobriety Testing: What are your rights
Learn what to do if police want you take a field sobriety test during a traffic stop

What is an aggravated assault in Pennsylvania?
What is the difference between aggravated and simple assault in Pennsylvania and why a self defense argument is important

Is it just garbage or potential evidence against you?
Why just throwing it away may hurt your criminal case
Why your car keys can make a difference in your DUI?
Your the location of your car keys could could prove an element of a DUI
Video, Photos, Evidence & Criminal Defense
When is a video allowed at trial?
But … I was just holding it! Is it a defense to a gun charge
Gun Crime Defense
Drug Convictions & Pennsylvania
Is there a way to save your driver’s license?
Gun Charges in Pennsylvania
Why does your location sometimes matter?
When is the Investigative Police Stop of a Pedestrian Permissible?
Police stop persons walking down the street as often, if not more often, than cars
How do Pennsylvania criminal courts treat IPads and IPhones?
Do you think criminal courts treat IPads and IPhones the same?
If I drive without a license in PA will I get arrested on the spot?
This is a common question and read this really quick post for an answer!
Is a copy as good as an original in a criminal case?
Find out when the prosecution needs to produce the original and when a copy is OK!
Do you know when its OK to use non-deadly force in Pennsylvania?
Self Defense is your best weapon if you are charged with a violent crime!