Four Ways To Challenge DUI Breathalyzer in Pennsylvania
Most people wrongly believe that any breath test which reveals an alleged blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the legal limit will result in a conviction.
Most people wrongly believe that any breath test which reveals an alleged blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the legal limit will result in a conviction.
The grading of a conspiracy charge is the same degree and grade as the most serious offense, which is attempted, solicited, or is the object of the conspiracy.
There are over one million within PA who are subject to these new DUI laws and it is estimated that 25,000 – 30,000 will fall within the category every year.
Up until recently, any person under the age of 21 convicted of underage drinking or false identification faced a mandatory 90 day license suspension
Person who believes that food can change BAC. Most people fail to understand the amount of alcohol that will put them at that legal limit.
Traffic stops incur in “public view” and in a far less police dominated environment and the motorist’s’ freedom isn’t restricted to the degree of an arrest.
People sometimes drink too much alcohol and find themselves in a situation where police stop their car for suspicion of DUI.
After trick or treating, many will soon receive invitations to parties. Police may set up a checkpoints near where you live or near the party
“I Am Fine to Drive.” BAC, Tolerance, Alcohol Consumption & DUI
This blog article focuses on gas chromatography versus the enzymatic method to analyze blood for DUI and medical treatment purposes.