Due Process: What Is It and Where Can You Find It?
There are three types of due process violations: procedural due process violations, substantive due process violations, and the void for vagueness doctrine.
There are three types of due process violations: procedural due process violations, substantive due process violations, and the void for vagueness doctrine.
New Jersey, in addition to registration requirements under Megans Law, requires convicted sex offenders to submit to Parole Supervision for Life (PSL)
Conspiracy is what the law refers to as an inchoate offense. An inchoate offense is one that pertains to the steps taken toward the commission of a crime
In a criminal trial the prosecutor can show that this type of conduct was due to a defendants criminal conduct and it would have not occurred otherwise.
Lineups and pretrial identifications are critical pieces of evidence in any criminal case and it is important to understand when they are admissible at trial.
This is part 2 of my blog on federal sentencing focused on departures vs. variances
Departures provide authorized adjustments to a standard sentencing range within the guideline system.
In Pennsylvania, over 1.5 million children are bused on “school” days and annually more than 700 drivers in PA are convicted for school bus related offenses
Police sometimes stop vehicles for unrelated traffic offenses and/or vehicle deficiencies in order to begin an investigation and possibly a warrantless search
Unlike a criminal defendant, however, a civil plaintiff, through his attorney, must prosecute a claim to reach either a settlement or a victory at trial.