Criminal Convictions Resulting In Loss Of Concealed Carry License In Pennsylvania
Convictions That Can Result In Your Gun License Being Revoked

According to the Second Amendment, we have the right to bear arms but this right is by no means unlimited. In certain legal situations, such as criminal charges, your right to carry a gun can be revoked. A criminal conviction is one of these reasons. If you are, your child or a loved one are facing criminal or DUI charges and worried that it may limit your right to carry an otherwise legal firearm, you can review all your options and pursue an outcome that protects your record and ability to own firearms.
Please do not wait to contact our Pennsylvania drug crime defense lawyers for a free case review. They will thoroughly review your case and explain options to you. Most importantly, they will stop at nothing to protect your rights throughout the entire criminal process.
The Impact Of A Criminal Conviction As It Relates To Your PA CCL
According to the Gun Control Act, any person under indictment for or has been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by at least one year in prison is not permitted to carry a gun. This means that after your arrest for any state or federal crime, your concealed carry permit will be revoked. Under federal law, no convicted felon may purchase or be in possession of a firearm. But, the concealed carry laws for people convicted of misdemeanors depend on state law.
Pennsylvania Concealed Carry Laws
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is what is known as a ‘shall issue’ state for concealed carry licenses. This means that, in general, the issuance of a carry license is automatically issued after a 45-day background check to any adult over 21 who has taken a handgun or firearm safety course. There are numerous exceptions to this law such as:
- People likely to endanger public safety,
- Individuals convicted of certain drug or controlled substance crimes,
- Mentally ill adults,
- People adjudicated delinquent in a juvenile court within the last ten years,
- Habitual drunkards, repeat and recidivous offenders
- Convicted felons,
- Individuals convicted of a DUI more than three times in a five year period,
- Individuals convicted of domestic assault crimes, and
- Illegal and undocumented immigrants
Almost all serious criminal convictions and any violent convictions result in the loss of your concealed carry permit in Pennsylvania. The good news though, is that misdemeanors will not necessarily revoke your license.
Will I Lose My Gun Rights For A Pennsylvania DUI?
If you are arrested for a first offense DUI or subsequent offense DUI this will not affect your ability to carry a firearm.
The one common problem people run into with concealed carry permits after misdemeanor crimes is regarding drug possession charges. In Pennsylvania, the most minor drug convictions will often lead to your concealed carry license being revoked. For this reason, you need to be aware of the potential consequences of a drug conviction on your gun carry rights before sentencing.
Pennsylvania Defense Attorneys Protecting Your Gun Rights
With an experienced Philadelphia PA defense attorney on your side, you may be able to mitigate the charges in order to avoid losing your concealed carry license. If facing criminal charges that could cause you to lose your concealed carry permit, contact our Pennsylvania criminal defense attorneys today. We will fight to get your case the best outcome possible.
Serving all of Eastern Pennsylvania including Allentown, Chester, Doylestown, Media, Norristown, Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey.