Medical Marijuana means No Gun Pennsylvania & New Jersey
Despite State legalization, the federal government isnt ready to relax gun restrictions for those who choose to use this drug even for medical purposes.
Despite State legalization, the federal government isnt ready to relax gun restrictions for those who choose to use this drug even for medical purposes.
If the bill becomes law, you will see major changes in handgun offenses in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
In New Jersey a person is still subject to a mandatory minimum state prison sentence if they participated as an accomplice in a crime in which a gun was used.
The criminal defense attorney who presents this image of constant success simply isnt being truthful. Learn why we talk about our defeats and successes
Police recovered illegal narcotics within the home along with 2 firearms, a .38 revolver and an AR15 assault rifle. Find out why the evidence was suppressed.
When is a person obligated to inform a police officer of their concealed carry weapon or firearm in Pennsylvania and New Jersey?
Constructive possession and criminal conspiracy in NJ and PA. Proving that a person actually possessed an illegal item could be constructive possession.
In Pennsylvania and New Jersey, not everyone has the right to purchase a firearm. Learn more about who canand who cantpurchase a gun in these states.
Learn more about Gun laws in Pennsylvania compared to New Jersey. Knowing the difference can avoid you legal trouble, call Gambone Law today.
Learn about Gunshot Residue and the possession of a gun or firearm in Pennsylvania