How serious is a theft, fraud or forgery charge in Pennsylvania. What makes robbery different?
a theft charge in Pennsylvania can range from a summary offense to a much more common misdemeanor offense and even a felony charge in some cases!
a theft charge in Pennsylvania can range from a summary offense to a much more common misdemeanor offense and even a felony charge in some cases!
Racial profiling is an issue which a criminal defense attorney may sometimes need to address if he or she is representing a member of a minority group such as African American, Hispanic, Asian, or a Native American person.
Currently, if you’re convicted of felony murder in the Commonwealth, you face a mandatory minimum life sentence.
It is sometimes in a client’s best interest to plead guilty. This isn’t something that one should do without a careful evaluation of these 5 issues.
Diversion programs are usually reserved for misdemeanor offenses but not felonies, especially gun crimes. Some people, however, do receive these diversion programs
Allegedly 6 out of 10 Pennsylvanians want the Commonwealth to legalize the Schedule I narcotic but it remains incredibly controversially as it as seen as gateway drug into other addictions.
During this Monday Night game, millions watched a protestor, carrying a device letting out pink smoke, run onto the field during the game and Wagner, in full football uniform, delivered a shoulder block which easily took the fan to the ground.
When have received many phone calls from persons in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in situations where they did remain on site and simply ran from scene. Here are our answers to the most common questions
While vaping isn’t necessarily something that will lead to a criminal charge but rather a school sanction, it is an important issue for many of our clients and their families.
While it is our sincere hope that you and your family will enjoy this and all holidays without an issue, as I have stated a countless number of times, a drunk driving charge can happen to anyone regardless of their station in life.