What determines the bail amount or no bail in Pennsylvania
Bail is obviously a major concern for someone facing criminal charges because it will determine whether he can remain out of custody pending trial.
Bail is obviously a major concern for someone facing criminal charges because it will determine whether he can remain out of custody pending trial.
If a person is facing a potential long state prison sentence, what factors will a New Jersey Judge use to determine release or detention
While Pennsylvania and New Jersey border each other, they have very different laws regarding traffic stops and police searches.
This incident has caused my of our readers to ask if a person can be really arrested for reckless driving? The short answer is yes!
Normally, searches require that law enforcement establishes probable cause which is the reasonable belief that a crime is occurring or has occurred in the area searched.
Here are the ten (10) most common types of search scenarios at school and how a Court would likely rule on them if a parent had an issue with a policy or considered contest possible charges against their son or daughter.
While New Jersey and Pennsylvania are now more flexible on drunk drivers offenders, both states maintain zero tolerance for underage drunk driving.
Many of college students want to join clubs which have informal “hazing” rules which require them to perform tasks or other often embarrassing events. This isn’t obviously school endorsed and flies below the school administration’s radar despite most of them knowing that it occurs on and off campus
Electric Bike (E-Bike) have grown in popularity as people look for alternative ways to travel due distances to rising fuel prices along with cost of other goods from basic staple groceries to a Happy Meal!
New Jersey, unlike Pennsylvania, maintains an indictment system under its crimes code. The Garden State is one of 23 jurisdictions that exclusively employs this type of criminal prosecution system