People charged with a DUI have very often never been in any legal trouble before. Now, suddenly, they are faced with a potential jail sentence, a driver’s license suspension, fines, probation, and higher car insurance premiums.

Pennsylvania takes a tough approach to intoxicated driving because of the danger it creates for the public. When you are arrested for DUI, however, you still have rights. A lawyer can help protect those rights and possibly get you through this bad situation with the least amount of long– and short-term consequences.
The goal of this book is to present and briefly explain key concepts. This book is not meant as a substitute for a professional consultation with an attorney. My goal is simply to make you a better-educated client. While I welcome the opportunity to defend someone’s constitutional rights, this book does not constitute an attorney-client relationship.
To receive a digital copy of the book for free, please fill out the form below. You’ll be redirected to a download page afterward. If you have questions that need immediate answers, do not hesitate to call our office today.